Tuesday, February 08, 2005

The third eye!

Any issue in this world in general has two perspectives. The communicated thought and the perception of the communicator! But how often we reach for the third vision. "A complete stranger opinion" and how important it is??

How many times in your life have you spoken about your issues to a person who is not close to you but yet sensible enough to understand the crux of it. How many times have you heard someone telling stories that you feel are not entitled to listen, yet it makes you feel good that someone is asking for an opinion!! These kinds of instances pop-up now and then, but have we ever thought the importance of this! Or is it important at all?

Lets set aside our egos and everything else! One necessarily doesn’t have to take this 3rd eye as even a suggestion for that matter!! May be a different perception!! The one, which you have never even thought of visualizing! May be it will tell you how not to live...more than how to live (idealist's statement)? But certainly its a progressive thought isn’t it?

There are certain decisions in life which should be taken without a third eye. Sometimes I feel that, its the respect to give to that decision. I was talking to a friend of mine the other day, we were discussing about an important issue. He was wondering how could I be so confident about the decision that I was in to? The answer that I was with was based on the very reason of me discussing it with him!! I draped my decision based on the fact that I was opening a third eye in that issue! So, according to me, certain decisions shouldn’t be based on a third eye! But in most of other issues the third eye helps!

After writing this blog (before changing few lines), someone popped up and said that her subconscious is what she considers as a 3rd eye. It opens rarely and most of the time gives her the answers! Well, thats a beautiful way of thinking! I have never thought the subconscious as the third eye, I was thinking its meshed with the perceptional thought, the second eye! However my third eye (an opinion) gave me this idea of seeing subconscious as a third eye!

So as I said, it could give you a thought dimension that you have never considered before. May be it will not help in deciding anything on the issue that's in stake, but can be used for another issue that could pop-up in the later part of any other thought evaluation! It also helps in bringing down your ego sometimes!! And the best part is, the third eye person wont be a stranger anymore!!

Whatever it is, according to me "The third eye blind" is'nt a good model to live with! :)

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